

Chibis of Dakota and Tay (and little Andy, of course), drawn by Jen Fowler. Click the image to enlarge.

Looking for the Stick Side timeline? Find that here.



The opening scene of the novel was featured in the You Had Me At HEA newsletter. You can read that scene here.

Find an excerpt from further on in Chapter One at Love Bytes Reviews.

A fun scene at family skate can be found at Joyfully Jay.

One of my favourite scenes from the novel: Tay and Dakota getting ready to head out on their first date. Read it at That’s What I’m Talking About.

Get a sexy excerpt full of schotch-flavoured kisses at Erotica For All.

Part one of a “morning after” scene can be found at TBQ’s Book Palace.

Part two of the “morning after” scene is over at Romance Junkies.

Guest blog posts:

Read all about the inspiration behind Risking the Shot at Rainbows & Sunshine book blog.

On Frolic, I’m talking about some of my favourite hockey romances.


Looking for the bonus scene mentioned at the end of Risking the Shot? It’s a newsletter exclusive, and you can access it by filling in this form.