Shots on Goal: Bonus Content
Cody and Roman chibis, drawn by Jen Fowler. Any of the images on this page can be clicked on to make them bigger.
Read an excerpt from the opening chapter, in Roman's POV, at Rainbows and Sunshine.
A second excerpt from the opening chapter, this time in Cody's POV, can be read at Queer Books Unbound.
Cody and Roman having coffee at a local café, over at Love Bytes Reviews.
At MM Good Book Reviews, read an excerpt from when Roman drops Cody off at home after a day out.
Cody bumps into Roman in the marketplace at Boy Meets Boy Reviews.
Blog posts
Want to know how the Stick Side series came to be? It was actually a bit of an accident. Read more about it at Joyfully Jay.
Roman and Cody are polar opposites. Or are they? Read more about them at Agents of Romance.
A short Q&A can be found at Rainbow Book Reviews.
At Smexy Books I'm talking about what goes in to preparing for a book release and why I couldn't release Shots on Goal sooner.