
If you follow my blog at all, you know I don’t post much about myself. Hardly at all, in fact, except for posts about my books. In an attempt to be more active on my blog, I’ve started High Five Friday. I’m not sure what it will look like yet, or even if I’ll be able to post every Friday; but the goal is to post some fun stuff about myself in effort to allow readers to get to know me, and for me to get to know my readers.

Today, let’s look back at February and look forward to March.

Favourite reads

Books I’m looking forward to reading in March

On the writing front

Three pieces of news

First, in case you missed it, I wrote a short Valentine’s Day story featuring Mitch and Alex from On the Ice. It’s called A Valentine’s Day Trade and also introduces one of the main characters of the fourth book in the Stick Side series. You can read it for free here.

Second, I did start writing Stick Side #4 this month and was quite pleased with my progress. I even surpassed my targeted word count goal for the month… Except it’s all crap and I have to restart. Maybe not quite from scratch, but what I have wasn’t working. At least it was only three chapters?

The good news there is that I started writing it early, so my tentative release month of September 2020 should still be achievable.

And third, my editor got back to me with the needed edits to Home For a Cowboy (Windsor, Wyoming #1). I’ll be working on those throughout March for a release date of early June 2020.

On the personal front

Not much to say here except that I’m so happy to announce that I’ll be attending GRL 2020 in St. Louis this October. If you’d like to attend as a reader, there’s still time to register. I hope to see you there!

GRL 2020 Starts In...







