I’m super late with my January wrap up post (oops!), so let’s look back on January and look forward to February.
Favourite January reads
I read 16 books in January. My favourite few of the month are below. Just click on the images to be taken to the book’s Amazon page.
I absolutely loved These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong. It was my first 5-star read of 2021. I loved the push/pull between Roma and Juliette and the storyline itself kept me reading until the very end, never wanting to put it down. This Romeo & Juliet retelling was a gripping and entertaining read with well-fleshed out characters.
The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones was intriguing and atmospheric and perfectly creepy. There was so much more going on in this book than what’s in the blurb and the plot threads weaved seamlessly together and kept me guessing until the very end. I adored both Ryn and Ellis and devoured this in two sittings. Absolutely recommend.
Oz by Lily Morton was such a lovely book. Just a gorgeous story of two men finding what they need in each other. Oz and Silas were sweet and charming and perfect together, and the Cornwall setting added a touch of magic and whimsy.
Books I’m looking forward to reading in February
I’m a huge fan of Danielle L. Jensen’s books. Her Bridge Kingdom series, which is new adult fantasy romance, is one of my favourite series. Dark Skies is young adult fantasy and the first book in the series, Dark Shores, was excellent. I’ve had Dark Skies on my shelves since last May, so I look forward to finally reading it.
I’m excited to read Wonderstruck by Allie Therin. I’ve loved the previous two books in the Magic in Manhattan series.
The Murder Between Us by Tal Bauer looks like everything I want from a Tal Bauer novel: murder, intrigue, romance, suspense. Bring it on!
On the writing front
I took most of December off from writing because I desperately needed a chance to relax and recharge. I started writing a new novel in early January. It’s called Keeping Kellan and is the sequel to Keeping Casey, which releases on February 23. Keeping Kellan features a side character from Keeping Casey (I won’t tell you which one yet since the book isn’t out). It’s a small town romance between [redacted] and his older sister’s best friend. I got about 30% into writing Keeping Kellan in January. I’m super excited about it. It’s sweet and cute and you can expect it end of June/early July.