
Shots on Goal

Shots on Goal Book three of the Stick Side series Buy it: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooksĀ | Paperback Get it on Audio:Ā AmazonĀ |Ā Audible USĀ |Ā Audible CAĀ |Ā Audible UKĀ |Ā Audible DEĀ |Ā Audible FRĀ |Ā Apple Recently traded to the newly formed Vermont Trailblazers,...
Are you going to GRL?

Are you going to GRL?

Are you heading to GRL in Albuquerque from October 16-20? If so, I'd love to meet you! If you see me at an event, in a restaurant, or just walking the halls, please stop me and say hi. I'd love to chat with you. Below is a list of events where you'll be able to find...