Autism Awareness Month

Autism Awareness Month

An estimated one-third of people with autism are nonverbal.  Did you have a favourite childhood toy growing up? There's a little glow worm that I've had forever. His name is Minou. The way my mom tells it, she and I were at the store when I was little, and I found the...

The Nature of the Game: Bonus Content

The Nature of the Game: Bonus Content Artwork: Ash and Dan chibis, as drawn by Jen Fowler. Aren't they cute??? Teasers: Excerpts: Excerpt 1 is a sweet one from a flashback scene. Excerpt 2 is NSFW and can be found at Erotica For All. Excerpt 3 is from the first...

The Nature of the Game

The Nature of the Game Book two of the Stick Side series Buy it: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks | Paperback Get it on Audio: Amazon | Audible US | Audible CA | Audible UK | Audible DE | Audible FR | Apple US |  Apple CA Six years ago, an ultimatum forced Dan Greyson...

Stick Side Series

Stick Side Series Hockey players falling in love! Find out why this series is an Amazon bestseller. The books can be read in any order, however you might enjoy it best read in order since characters from previous books show up in subsequent...