High Five Friday
If you follow my blog at all, you know I don't post much about myself. Hardly at all, in fact, except for posts about my books. In an attempt to be more active on my blog, I'm starting High Five Fridays. I'm not sure what it will look like yet, or even if I'll be able...
My favourite reads of 2019
My favourite books of 2019, from young adult fantasy to contemporary to gay romance.

Autism Awareness Month
An estimated one-third of people with autism are nonverbal. Did you have a favourite childhood toy growing up? There's a little glow worm that I've had forever. His name is Minou. The way my mom tells it, she and I were at the store when I was little, and I found the...
My favourite reads of 2018
I read over 100 books in 2018 and surpassed my Goodreads Reading Challenge by a few books. I read some duds and some fantastic books. I'm going to ignore the duds entirely because nobody cares about those, and focus on the best of 2018. Note that these are books that...