High Five Friday: September 2021
Today, let’s look back on September and look forward to October. Favourite September reads I read 11 books in August and DNF’d one. My favourite reads of the month are below. Just click on the covers to be taken to the book’s Amazon page. I’ve...
High Five Friday: August 2021
Today, let’s look back on August and look forward to September. Favourite August reads I read six books in August and DNF’d one—but we won’t talk about that one because nobody cares. Why did I read so few books this month, you ask? Great question!...
High Five Friday: July 2021
Today, let’s look back on July and look forward to August.

High Five Friday: June 2021
Today, let’s look back on June and look forward to July. Favourite June reads I had a weird June. I read a handful of books that I loved, had a handful of DNFs, and everything in between was kind of meh. And given that I read 15 books in June (not counting the...
High Five Friday: May 2021
Today, let’s look back on May and look forward to June.