
A Gift-Wrapped Holiday

A Gift-Wrapped Holiday Amazon | Apple | B&N | Kobo Or get it on audio: Amazon | Audible US | Audible CA | Audible UK | Audible DE | Audible FR Mal’s first priority is giving his six-year-old son the best Christmas ever, a goal made trickier by a recent move...

La natura del gioco

La natura del gioco Stick Side Vol. 2 Amazon | Apple | Google Play | Kobo Sei anni fa, un ultimatum ha costretto Dan Greyson a compiere una scelta che gli è costata quanto di più amava al mondo. Ha dovuto rinunciare al suo ragazzo, il giocatore di hockey Ashton Yager....

Sweet to the Core

Sweet to the Core Book three of the Lighthouse Bay series Amazon | Apple | B&N | Kobo | Paperback Get the audiobook: Amazon | Apple | Audible Dev has pined for his cousin’s best friend for years, but no matter how hard he wishes, Clark sees him as nothing...