High Five Friday

High Five Friday

If you follow my blog at all, you know I don't post much about myself. Hardly at all, in fact, except for posts about my books. In an attempt to be more active on my blog, I'm starting High Five Fridays. I'm not sure what it will look like yet, or even if I'll be able...

Shots on Goal: Bonus Content

Shots on Goal: Bonus Content Artwork: Cody and Roman chibis, drawn by Jen Fowler. Any of the images on this page can be clicked on to make them bigger. Teasers: Excerpts Read an excerpt from the opening chapter, in Roman's POV, at Rainbows and Sunshine. A second...

The Nature of Christmas (Stick Side #2.5)

The Nature of Christmas was originally written for the 2019 Rainbow Advent Calendar. The Rainbow Advent Calendar featured daily (and sometimes twice-daily!) LGBTQ+ holiday-themed stories from some great LGBTQ+ authors from December 1-24, 2019! You can access the...