Cover Reveal: On the Ice

Cover Reveal: On the Ice

It's cover reveal day for my upcoming m/m sports romance, On the Ice. I'm so excited for you guys to finally see the cover!     Wait for it...     Wait for it...     Wait for it...     Ta da! Isn't it great? Cover art is by Lee...

On the Ice

On the Ice Book one of the Stick Side series Buy it: Amazon | Kobo | B&N | iBooks | Smashwords | Paperback Get it in Audio: Amazon | Audible US | Audible CA | Audible UK | Audible AU | Audible DE | Audible FR | iTunes For college sophomore Mitch Greyson,...

My favourite reads of 2017

I read a lot of books in 2017, way more than I had anticipated given that I also wrote quite a bit. I surpassed my Goodreads Reading Challenge by almost 100 books. I read some duds and some fantastic books. I'm going to ignore the duds entirely because nobody cares...