
As Big As the Sky

As Big as the SkyOriginal Publication Buy it on Amazon or read it in KU! Sam McAuley isn’t having a great start to the summer. Served with papers? Great. He’s being sued. Perfect, pristine yard overrun with chickens? What the—? Clearly, the new guy running the animal...

The Play of His Life

The Play of His LifeOriginal Publication Buy it on Amazon | Apple | B&N | Kobo Get it in paperback! The last person Christian wants to run into on a visit home to spend time with his mom over the holidays is his former best friend-turned-lover-turned-ex. But there...
A Q&A with yours truly

A Q&A with yours truly

I’m being hosted over at Jessie Gin’s blog. Check it out for an excerpt, teasers, a Q&A with me, and a chance to win a free e-copy of my new release, The Play of His Life.