High Five Friday

High Five Friday

If you follow my blog at all, you know I don't post much about myself. Hardly at all, in fact, except for posts about my books. In an attempt to be more active on my blog, I'm starting High Five Fridays. I'm not sure what it will look like yet, or even if I'll be able...
Blog Tour: On the Ice

Blog Tour: On the Ice

I feel like I've been out of the loop since On the Ice came out almost three weeks ago, but I've just been on vacation 🙂 While I was away I participated in some blog tour stops to celebrate the release of On the Ice. I still find it incredibly difficult to come up...

Blog Tour: Picture Winter

My newest novella, Picture Winter, was released from MLR Press on October 6, and I have to admit that I'm completely overwhelmed at the positive early reviews. To see some of those reviews, check out the book's page here. To promote my book, I took part in a review...